Well, It's been quite a long time since my last blog post, but life is getting in the way unfortunately. My co-op placement has been taking up most of my time recently and this blog has taken the biggest hit due to its wrath. But here I am, finally, making another post (gotta love procrastination).
Now on to the post!
For the past two years I've been learning the art of photography with a trusty old Olympus E-500. It's been a fantastic camera; I couldn't imagine myself starting off with anything else. It has great image quality for an "entry level" DSLR and has helped me produce some excellent shots. However, there comes a point where an upgrade becomes necessary and that point came about rather quickly when I was able to get a great deal on a new Olympus E-30. Finally being able to use IS0 400 and above without worrying about noise levels is something that seemed incredibly tempting as well as being a bigger camera in general (the E-500 is just so damned small). So a couple weeks ago I went up to the local Henry's store after placement and picked up the new camera and I have been not disappointed in it in the least. The E-30 is an improvement over the E-500 in every respect. The image stabilization is fantastic and I've even found live-view to be beneficial in certain situations. Image quality is SUPERB and, contrary to popular belief, is great in the High-ISO realm up to ISO1600. I truly never realized just how much difference a couple of years makes with technology, but Olympus really has come a long way in the four years between the two cameras. But enough of my rambling...here's a couple more shots from my first couple weeks with this fantastic camera. Keep checking the
flickr page for more pictures as I take them!