So on Labour Day me and the hardcore band, Carrion , hopped into a car and made the trek over to The Hermitage in Ancaster for the first promo shoot for both of us. If you've never been to The Hermitage or the Dundas Valley Conservation Area it is well worth the trip out there as it is one of the most beautiful conservation areas in Southern Ontario. Moving on, for my first promo shoot (and shoot with models for that matter) I think the shots turned out very well. It was definitely a learning experience for both of us, but a great time was had by all. As always check out my flickr page to check out more pictures from the shoot.
P.S. Oh and by the way if anyone knows how to prevent my pictures from being cut off on the right hand side on this thing if you could send me a message and tell me how to fix it it would be MUCH appreciated. I suck at this stuff.